
What will be written here is anyone’s guess?

Saturday, July 15, 2006


Licky is the brown guy to the left. Nikki the black one is our new two year old female.

My Licky is gone. He died Thursday July 13th @ around 3 PM. Licky asked to go outside by clicking on the sliding glass door like he always did. He went outside, lay down and died. He was 15 years old and had been in ill health for a few months. His passing was not that unexpected and in many ways the best for him. He had been in pain recently and we knew the time was coming. I will miss my best friend forever. I am so happy Cindy got him for me in 1991 around May. I remember seeing him curled up on the kitchen floor saying "what is that?" I told Cindy I didn't want a dog and to take him back to where she bough him.

The next day from work I called Cindy and told her not to take him back and the rest is history.

Licky was my first dog. I had no idea dogs become so attached and are so loyal. He would strut around when we took him for a walk, so proud to be with us. He was a brave dog. Never ran away from dogs ten times his size. Licky was a Chihuahua of large size about fifteen pounds and had a heart 100 times his size.

He was with us everywhere we went. The beach, deserts, mountains, everywhere we went he went. He was Cindy and mine first child you might say.

He is now buried in our back yard, under a tree, feeling no pain, running free like when he was young.

Licky wait for me, I’ll see you again some day. In the mean time know that I love you and miss you so much.



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